Saturday, October 2, 2010

GIMP - Best graphic editing software. 100% free

Introduction to GIMP
GIMP is an acronym for GNU Image Manipulation Program. It is a freely distributed program for such tasks as photo retouching, image composition and image authoring.

It has many capabilities. It can be used as a simple paint program, an expert quality photo retouching program, an online batch processing system, a mass production image renderer, an image format converter, etc.

GIMP is expandable and extensible. It is designed to be augmented with plug-ins and extensions to do just about anything. The advanced scripting interface allows everything from the simplest task to the most complex image manipulation procedures to be easily scripted.

GIMP is written and developed under X11 on UNIX platforms. But basically the same code also runs on MS Windows and Mac OS X.

Features Overview

Customizable Interface

Each task requires a different environment and GIMP allows you to customize the view and behavior the way you like it. Starting from the widget theme, allowing you to change colors, widget spacings and icon sizes to custom tool sets in the toolbox. The interface is modulized into so called docks, allowing you to stack them into tabs or keep them open in their own window. Pressing the tab key will toggle them hidden.

GIMP features a great fullscreen mode allowing you to not only preview your artwork but also do editing work while using the most of your screen estate.

Photo Enhancement

Numerous digital photo imperfections can be easily compensated for using GIMP. Fix perspective distortion caused by lens tilt simply choosing the corrective mode in the transform tools. Eliminate lens' barrel distortion and vignetting with a powerful filter but a simple interface.
The included channel mixer gives you the flexibility and power to get your B/W photography stand out the way you need.

Digital Retouching

GIMP is ideal for advanced photo retouching techniques. Get rid of unneeded details using the clone tool, or touch up minor details easily with the new healing tool. With the perspective clone tool, it's not difficult to clone objects with perspective in mind just as easily as with the orthogonal clone.

Hardware Support

GIMP includes a very unique support for various input devices out of the box. Pressure and tilt sensitive tablets, but also a wide range of USB or MIDI controllers. You can bind often-used actions to device events such as rotating a USB wheel or moving a MIDI controller's slider. Change the size, angle or opacity of a brush while you paint, bind your favorite scripts to buttons. Speed up your workflow!

File Formats

The file format support ranges from the common likes of JPEG (JFIF), GIF, PNG, TIFF to special use formats such as the multi-resolution and multi-color-depth Windows icon files. The architecture allows to extend GIMP's format capabilities with a plug-in. You can find some rare format support in the GIMP plugin registry.

Thanks to the transparent virtual file system, it is possible to load and save files to from remote locations using protocols such as FTP, HTTP or even SMB (MS Windows shares) and SFTP/SSH.

To save disk space, any format can be saved with an archive extension such as ZIP, GZ or BZ2 and GIMP will transparently compress the file without you needing to do any extra steps.

Friday, October 1, 2010

I have 160GB hard disk in my computer but my windows XP shows only show 128GB hard disk ? Use complete hard disk

Sometimes it happens in windows XP that you have 160GB hard disk but windows XP shows 128 GB hard disk. Using this trick your windows XP will show you 149GB of Hard Disk space. Just follow me step by step.

1. Click on Start then click on Run type Regidit and run it.
2. Now search for Hkey_Local_Machine\System\CurrentControlSet\Service\Atapi\Parameters
3. Now click on right side and create a dword and name it EnableBigLba .
4. Change its value to 1 and close Regidit.
5. Now restart your windows XP and enjoy 149GB of hard disk space.

Change your windows Login Screen with BootSkin - Free Software

Are you tired of the drudgery that is your Windows start-up screen? This handy piece of freeware adds spice to your PC by letting you customize your Windows 2000/XP boot screen. At 871K, BootSkin is a quick, space-conscious download. It allows you to easily change your boot screen without patching the Windows XP kernel, keeping your system stable and the size of your skins manageable. The straightforward interface offers a couple of stock skins and allows you to import them from the Web and create your own. Although BootSkin is not brimming with features, it's still a nice way to add a personal touch to your PC.

Torrents Very Short Review

If you don't know what are torrents then I assure, you are going to love this article. Actually a torrent is a protocol for peer to peer file sharing. If you don't know what torrent means already, then I am very sure that one line definition did not make sense at all. What that means is if I have a file of 700 MB (yeah, those DVDrip/avi files) and host it in my server for my dear pals to download, and if 100 people download from my website, then I have to pay for 700 * 100 = 70GB of bandwidth, plus server maintenance etc.. Anyway don't stuck on it and just go toward simplicity. Torrents are files hosted online of full version software etc. You can download torrents for 100% with a free torrent software. You can do latest games, applications etc for free on torrents sites.

How to get started?

Ok I teach you how to download a torrent step by step. Although, you have to be careful because many torrents are illegal and violate copyright laws.

1.Find a torrent program that will suit your needs, the most common clients are uTorrent, Deluge, Vuze, BitTorrent, and Opera. There are plenty of other clients available as well.

2.Follow the instructions on downloading and installing your chosen client.

3.Go to a torrent site and search for a file you want to download. The Pirate Bay and Mininova are popular sites.

4.Once you have found the desired file on the torrent site, click the "Download This Torrent" (or however they word it). Usually, the web browser's file download manager will ask what to do with this file. You want to open the file with your torrent program.

5.If it doesn't open that way, just save the .torrent file to an easy to locate place. Then open your torrent client and use the "Open Torrent" feature(Most torrent clients support click & drag).

6.The download will start automatically. You may now go and do something to pass the time, because torrents do not require your attention and will download in the background.

Google Search Techniques

Google is the search engine most of the people in the world use. Today I am going to share some techniques with all of you people. With these techniques you would be able to search on google more perfectly and quickly. These are really very easy techniques. Even a child can easily perform these techniques. Ok let's start.

1. If you want to search not only for your search term but also for it's synonyms, place the tidle sign (~ ) immediately in front of your search term.

Suppose your search term is house and you want to search for it's synonyms at same time i.e.  Home , Residence etc. just place tidle sign after house.

2. Google ignores common words and characters such as
Where , The , How , Digits , Letters that slow down your search without improving the results. To search common result is essential to get the results you want. If you want common words to be searched in google then just put a " + " sign in front of it.

Peanut Butter +and Jelly

3. Surround it by quotes, to obtain only results that contains that pharase.
i.e. "There's no smoke without fire"

4. Use a star for each word of the expected answer
i.e. "There's no * without fire"

5. To search for web pages that have similar content to a given site, Type "Related:" followed by the website adress into the google search box.

6. Click on "I'm feeling lucky" if you are searching for the site of a company or the official website of a product. It will send you to the first search result

7. Add wiki in your search query to find the top results from Wikipedia.
i.e. Jf-17 Thunder Wiki , Pakistan Air Force Wiki etc.

8. Google main search invisibly combines search term with the Boolean construct "and". When you enter Smoke Fire Google will search for smoke and fire. To make google search for smoke or fire, Just type smoke or fire. Instead of OR you can also use the | Symbol. i.e. Smoke | Fire .

9. To use Google's built in calculator function , Simply enter the calculation you'd like done into the search box.
i.e. ((3*25) +65) / 2 = Then Google will automatically answer it. The answer of this question is 70 when calculated on google. You just use your own calculator . If your calculator is correct then it will also give 70 as answer.

10. You can use google to convert between many different units of measurement of height,weight and volume.
i.e. Google input is 10.5 meters in inches
     Google output is 10.5 meters = 413.385827 inches

11. You can search what is time of any country and Google will tell you exactly.
i.e. Time of Pakistan

12. You can search for weather in any city of the world.
i.e. Weather Multan,Punjab

13. You can also search for population of any country or city on google.
i.e. Population Multan , Population Pakistan

14. You can also search for unemployment rate of any country.
i.e. Unemployment rate China

15. Search for a numerica range using the numrange operator. e.g. Search for Sony TV between $300 and $1000 with the string Sony TV $300..$1000.

16. Google has some very powerfull, hidden search parameters too. e.g. "Intitle" only searches page titles. Try intitle:herbs

17. The modifier inurl only searches the web adress of a page: give inurl: herbs a go

18. Find a live webcam by searching for : inurl:view/view.shtm

19. Want to know how many links there are to a site? try link:sitename . e.g.

20. Movie: <name of a film> to look for movie reviews.

21. Google really like movies. Try typing director: Musalman

22. For cast lists, try cast:name_of_film.